Today I listened to Metallica during radiation treatment and it was awesome. #Metalica #Beatcancer

So I am now 26/30 of these treatments completed.

I’ve got the process down. You go in, you lay down, you put in your bite block, they clamp you in and the machine moves all around for a while (I assume they are taking images) , they take pictures, you wait for a doctor to approve, they zap, they move the table, they zap again and they come in and take your mask off. Every day, same process. It’s very predictable now.

The first process is the alignment of the Varian TrueBeam machine, which this huge machine rotates all around you. The machine itself is really cool and apparently can cost upwards of $5 MILLION which explains some of the ridiculous cost of this treatment.

Anyway, the staff is always super nice and friendly. Since getting strapped in a mask onto a table like this can be stressful, you have the option to listen to music of your choice, etc. Personally, I used meditation, which I no longer need to NOT feel anxious. After 25 sessions, I know what to expect, and the anxiety is lower now.

So, today I didn’t choose some slimy ballad or new age junk, I chose the Metallica station on Pandora and it was AWESOME.

I listened to Disturbed (down with the sickness), Ozzy, Metallica, and a few other head-banger bands that just put me into this “Screw-you cancer” mindset.

Managing your head is so critical in all this. You can be a victim or you can just say you know what, screw you cancer and I am going to kick your ass, with alot of help.

In my experience, listening to head-banger music s better for that than some wimpy music. But, hey YOU get to choose. All good.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12-2

The power to choose how you think and how you feel as a result to me is one of the greatest gifts that we have. In Stephen Covey’s famous book, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, it’s chapter one. YOU have control of how you choose to respond. And with that, you have the power to choose what enters your mind and what doesn’t.

Today, I chose Metalica and it was awesome.

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