Entries by Charlie

Caring for your Caregivers, Even the Money Ones….

Everybody is constantly complaining about their insurance companies. I’ve posted many times about Medi-share and our experience there. I thought I would share this internal employee newsletter where they featured my story with their employees. I think it’s important to remember the team of people behind you when you get hit with something, in my […]

Being vs. Doing – Christmas Reflections after a year of curveballs

Merry Christmas to all this year! This year threw us some curveballs, including cancer, a huge business opportunity and a new home to renovate. I was just reviewing my goals for last year and oddly, they are largely under-achieved. Yet, those goals said nothing of headwinds or taking advantage of what’s in front of you.This […]

Being Kind (to Yourself)

Our friend is undergoing the early stages of radiation in Houston right now. The other night, just thinking about what she’s been through and what she’s about to go through got to me. But, I also realized what I’ve been through was getting to me too. While I want to be compassionate for her, I […]

Gratitude in the Age of Entitlement

I received notice today that our Health Sharing Ministry Christian Medi-Share had approved a $55000 bill from UT Southwestern for the first phase of my radiation treatments What this means is my expense will now be shared with Medi-Share’s 200,000 members. Medi-Share is NOT insurance. It’s a sharing ministry. I pay to support others and […]